Tiger with mouth open

Family Digital Learning Readiness Survey

WMCSD Parents, please complete this survey https://forms.gle/KCJaw3X1EdeihGFR8.  

The Family Digital Learning Readiness Survey addresses the ability of families to connect their children to digital learning offerings from their school through the internet.  The survey focuses on devices at home, home internet access, and the quality/reliability of that connection.  Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District’s survey link is https://forms.gle/KCJaw3X1EdeihGFR8.   

The results of the survey will be compiled by WMCSD and sent to the MS Department of Education who will share the information with the Governor's office for planning purposes.  The surveys will be due to WMCSD by Friday, May 9, 2020.

WMCSD Class of 2020

On Friday, May 1, our seniors will be given their “WHS Class of 2020 QUARANTINED” t-shirts, personalized yard signs, and graduation plans.  We are so proud of our seniors and how they have handled this global pandemic and its impact on their senior year.  

Graduation plans are being released to seniors and their families and the media this week.

Campus Improvements

Winona Secondary School is an old building - parts of it are over 100 years old - and it is not energy efficient.  Heating and cooling the building is a monumental task when the heat/air escapes through the old single-pane windows.  

The WMCSD Board of Trustees has been working with Entegrity, an energy conservation company, for two years to replace the windows in the building.  At this time, we are working to secure funding.  

ABM, our custodial and maintenance service, is currently cleaning, waxing floors, taking out lockers, and painting hallways in both buildings. This week, we are power washing the exterior of WSS, and it is looking great!

 CHARACTER COUNTS! Free Resources 

During this time of distance learning, CHARACTER COUNTS! is providing free online character development resources for parents and educators that are age-specific for elementary, middle school, and high school. 

Family Guides are available for grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Family Guides are a great resource to share with families who are in need of learning activities to do with their students while at home: https://raycenter.wp.drake.edu/parentguide/